How is it when you are trying to fit in lots of training sessions and keep things consistent that other parts of your life keep trying to take over?!
I find that as the nights get shorter I keep thinking about my long term goals of qualifying for the Worlds, and that (along with a bit of a shove from Will) helps me to crack on with those hard sessions. When I am back from work late, or have been driving up and down the country (as I often do with my job as a Sales Rep) I have to be very dedicated to even think about training when I get home. However, I still have been managing to average around 10 hours of training a week, and that is still with mostly swimming and cycling as I am only just now starting to put in a few more running sessions.
Chatting with other triathletes helps to put it into perspective.
I am just becoming an avid user of Twitter and find that most of the people I follow are elite triathletes and sports people. When you are sat on the turbo in the kitchen watching Michael McIntyre on DVD (who by the way is very funny!) and then see that the elites are training in South Africa/Gold Coast/California/New Zealand then it can sometimes get you down. However, I find that thinking of how much training they do as a full time job, and that they really can't afford to screw up and get injured as that is their livelihood, then I feel a bit better when it is raining outside and I have to go for a run just as the wind is whipping up around me.
Most of my triathlete friends are pretty dedicated to the cause, some with similar goals to myself, some just in it for the fun, and some are trying to get fit, I think it's hard to compare yourself with others who are doing it as a full-time occupation.
I took up tri as a way of keeping fit, but also as it is three disciplines and varies the types of training. I find that no two sessions are the same and this is something I enjoy. I have managed to keep going despite an injured plagued start to my winter training, and I am getting fitter and feeling stronger with each training week. With a few races entered and my 2012 racing season pretty much planned out, I am looking forward to getting in those key sessions to fine tune and race hard. Training smart is key to a successful year, and if I manage to stay injury free this year, then that will be a great success for me.
In many ways I am glad I am not an elite triathlete as I would have to give up a job I love, and race for money, which would involve winning, and I don't think that will be on the cards for a while!
Another key aspect for me is having a great set of friends who can appreciate your lifestyle and your love for the sport, if they can't appreciate why the hell you are up on a Sunday morning to swim in a lake at 7am and cycle and run all before 10am then maybe you should invite them along to watch. It's quite fun to watch people's reactions to tri and I think it's important to have that support for your training and dedication. Then they might understand why you aren't going hard out on the lash getting bladdered every single weekend.
There again outlines another reason not be an elite triathlete, at least we amateurs can indulge in a bit of grape juice now and again without the guilt!
I must also say that having a coach has helped me improve greatly this year. Mary Hardwick is an absolute star and having just launched their website www I must urge you to check it out. My swimming has come on no end, and without her help I think I wouldn't be achieving PBs every session- so thank you!
What's it all about?
I decided to write a blog following my training and triathlon season. For me, I have always participated in sports for as along as I can remember, whether it was being one of the only girls playing football with the boys, playing hockey at numerous clubs or running around cross country circuits in the pouring rain. This year I plan to work hard on my swimming, cycling and running in an effort to qualify for the World Championships in Triathlon and represent my age group. I hope that you enjoy my blog or rather my ramblings and feel free to comment.
Kerry X
Kerry X

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