So last week 12 hours of training, the time is flying past me and I hardly know where the days are going!
I have managed to get in the pool around 4 times a week which is pretty good, and this is a mixture of squad sessions with Stamford Tri club, Oakham Tri club and on my own as well as training with Mary Hardwick. Mary is a fantastic athlete as well as coach. She has set up her own business along with Gail Warner. Here is their Facebook page, they will be launching pretty soon here in Rutland (along with their website) and I think it will pretty much explode. What with all of the interest building in triathlon, and with it being the fastest growing sport, if the Brownlees win Gold and Silver in August at the Olympics, then who knows what will happen for the sport. It is all positive!
Triathlon for me is that release but also allows the competitive part of me to come out. I know I may not be the fastest at all, but I am working pretty hard this year along with advice and coaching from Will.
I have been out on the bike a fair bit, especially last weekend, which has me out on the bike both Saturday and Sunday. I have also been doing a couple of very hard sweat-box turbo sessions with Mary leading them.
My primary goal for this year is to qualify for the World Triathlon Age group team and have a few races lined up for that, however for me this is something which I have taken seriously this year, whereas in 2012 it was a one off chance and I managed to qualify for the team.
All I have to remember is that focus and hard work in training will make the races easier!
By the way, my running is slowly coming back to me following injury, only a few kms per week, but it's slowly increasing and hopefully my fitness and speed will be on top form!
What's it all about?
I decided to write a blog following my training and triathlon season. For me, I have always participated in sports for as along as I can remember, whether it was being one of the only girls playing football with the boys, playing hockey at numerous clubs or running around cross country circuits in the pouring rain. This year I plan to work hard on my swimming, cycling and running in an effort to qualify for the World Championships in Triathlon and represent my age group. I hope that you enjoy my blog or rather my ramblings and feel free to comment.
Kerry X
Kerry X

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