What's it all about?

I decided to write a blog following my training and triathlon season. For me, I have always participated in sports for as along as I can remember, whether it was being one of the only girls playing football with the boys, playing hockey at numerous clubs or running around cross country circuits in the pouring rain. This year I plan to work hard on my swimming, cycling and running in an effort to qualify for the World Championships in Triathlon and represent my age group. I hope that you enjoy my blog or rather my ramblings and feel free to comment.

Kerry X

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

All a bit too quiet

So... where have I been all this time I hear you cry! I have been an exceptionally busy bee. Firstly I have been away on my holidays to South Africa... a few photos below and secondly in that time I have been away I have exercised a grand total of once! My time was greatly taken up with visiting family in Cape Town and exploring the sights and sounds there before heading to Johannesburg for a family wedding before topping it off with a visit to one of the world's best places- the Kruger National Park. Although I took both my running things and swimming stuff with me, it was very difficult to even try and get out for a run. And truth be told it was great to get away from the UK and visit all of Will's family and not exercise for a change and try to put some weight on whilst I was away. I was also in desperate need of some relaxation and recovery time and I think my body was at it's last breaking point before New Zealand in exactly 4 weeks time.
The holiday was wonderful but with coming back to the UK and it's dreadfully cold weather (South Africa was heading into its Summer!) I was prepared and more than motivated to come back and train hard.
We arrived back yesterday and after a 3 1/2 hour nap in the afternoon to combat the lengthy flight home, we went for a 6.5km jog. I say jog but my muscles are feeling rather sore and stiff today. I have also booked to see a physiotherapist as my hip problems are just not shifting. I thought that with a couple of weeks rest and recovery it would help, but no..... still there!
I have got 4 weeks left to train what I can and refine my fitness and get some strength and speed back. I have not really lost the overall base fitness, but just the sharpness that comes with two weeks off.
I am off to a hard swim session tonight which will probably floor me, but all the while I know I can probably hold my own. Will is going to write me a 4 week plan which will take me up until the Worlds and then I really plan on some serious time off for a few weeks.

In other news... I am going to be writing for Rutland Cycling as a blogger, so watch out for some original material on their website. http://www.rutlandcycling.com/content/
As well as this I am racing this weekend in London at the biggest triathlon ever at the Excel. A bit of a funny arrangement as I am racing at 8.30am and should be done by 11am and Will isn't racing until 2.30pm! It will be strange to finish and then get to watch him race as well.
Report will follow this weekend.
Happy Training!
