I promised an update after Monday and Tuesday's trainign days.
Wednesday included a session that was not only physically tough but mentally tough aswell.
Being an amazingly glorious day with the weather, Will and I decided it was time to put the glad rags on and take out the super new shiny toys, ehxibits A and B as detailed in the photos below.
As I mentioned in my last blog this session was to be a tempo and building over 9.5 miles (with a little lump of a hill in the middle). I was chuffed to bits with my times of 41 minutes (1st lap easy), 35:10 and finally 32:00 dead. This was promptly followed by a 2 mile very very hard run. I thought I was running quite slowly but my watch indicated otherwise with 2 miles covered in around 15:30. Awesome! Wednesday afternoon also included laughing at our parrot Madiba who was having a whale of a time outside in the apple tree.
Thursday's recovery ride around Rutland Water with Will led to some really bad sleep on Thursday night, my legs were absolutely smashed and I was pleased to recuperate on Friday with some friends and some well earned Vino.
Saturday was a bit of a smash fest with Mary and her partner in crime Gail Warner. I had been warned about Gail's tendencies to fly up hills, but I never thought this was possible until i saw it with my own two eyes. She literally sailed up those hills on Saturday. Starting off in thick fog at 10am, it was a bit grim, especially when I could no longer see Mary or Gail, but they hung back for me and were very encouraging. The hot chocolate rest certainly helped, as well as the sun breaking out and slipping onto the back of a group of cyclists to help us out for a mile or so.
The 32 mile ride was followed by a brisk 2 mile run out and back, with Gail running at the front or rather bouncing like Tigger in her new Newtons. I can see why these two are certainly going into business together. Inspire2tri is going to be a lot of hardwork but also tonnes of fun!
Following this eventful Saturday I was pleased to take the afternoon off training and instead helped prepare for around 20 of our friends to come over for a start of Summer BBQ. Well, the weather had been nice, the clocks were going forward and I hadn't seen many of our friends since the days of 'training every single waking hour' came into play!
I enjoyed my Sunday ride clocking up another 25 miles or so on my own, it was great to see the wealth of cyclists out yesterday, however disappointingly they were all heading in the opposite direction to me! Our Sunday afternoons always have a recovery 2km swim. This is a great way to round off the week and to help those muscles after a tiring week or training. The pool is always empty too so it means we can do what we like!
So this week involved 15 1/2 hours of training total:-
10.5 hours on the bike = 264.5km
1.5 hours running = 19.2km
3.5 hours swimming = 5.7km
Not as much swimming as I want but the bike figures speak volumes. This was my highest block of training time banked to date and I feel good for it.
Next week I hope to include an interview with Mary herself, so keep posted for next week's blog.
Happy Training!